National Fair Districts Day of Action
All day
April 29, 2021

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For decades, whichever party in charge has drawn districts to keep themselves in power, undermining the voters' right to hold them accountable at the ballot box. Barring court action, the districts drawn this year will stay in place for 10 years and will determine whether North Carolinian voters' voices are heard at the ballot box or continue to be suppressed by gerrymandering.
We need a truly open, participatory, and transparent process with clear criteria for the coming redistricting of our congressional and legislative districts. Calling legislators' offices is the most effective way to send them a message. Join us to call your own legislators and the members of the redistricting committees. We'll provide the contact information, a basic script, talking points, and background info.
We can't let them use the Covid delays as an excuse to draw hyperpartisan maps outside public view. Demand better!